The Largest and Widest Embroidery Area in Drop Table and Single Head Line Up

Wide embroidery area of 1200mm achieves various kinds of works
The largest embroidery field in the line up of drop table models up to 1200mm in V direction.
Suitable for larger and wider materials such as banners and flags.
Frames for finished products and Cap Frame also available.


New trimming system with a narrow cylinder arm

New trimming system with a narrow cylinder arm allows more room to embroider shirt pockets, socks and smaller items.


New thread tensioning system

New thread tensioning system ensures better tensioning and faster threading.

New thread tensioning system


Name Drop

Separates names in a multiple name design for view and sewing purposes.

Name Drop Drive Mode

Name Drop Drive Mode

Name in Name List

Name in Name List

Name in Thumbnail List

Name in Thumbnail List

Frame Centering Function

Frame Limit Function

Able to restrict machine operation when a design does not fit to the frame or when there is a risk of a needle bar hitting the frame.


Customize most-used icons to save time.

LAN Connector Standard, 1 USB port.

70 million stitch capacity, 100 memory locations.

BEKT-S1501CBⅢ (360mm×1,200mm) Left Side

MODEL BEKT-S1501CBⅢ (360mm×1,200mm) Left Side


Laser Pointer

Laser Pointer

LED Back Light

LED Back Light

Wide Portal Frame

Wide Portal Frame (360mm×1,200mm)

Wide Detachable Table

Wide Detachable Table

Wide Steel Stand

Wide Steel Stand

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